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An Assessment of President Joe Biden’s Failures

President Joe Biden's administration has been in power for over a year now, and it's time to take a critical look at his performance. While every president faces challenges, some of President Biden's policies and decisions have raised concerns about his effectiveness in leading the country. In this blog post, we will examine some of the most significant failures of the Biden administration so far.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

Immigration Crisis:

One of the most notable failures of the Biden administration is the immigration crisis at the southern border. The number of migrants attempting to enter the United States illegally has surged since President Biden took office. The administration’s policies, such as ending construction of the border wall and reversing former President Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy, have been criticized for contributing to the crisis. The situation has resulted in overcrowded migrant facilities, inhumane conditions, and a significant strain on border security resources.

Afghanistan Withdrawal:

The chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan was another significant failure of the Biden administration. The administration’s handling of the withdrawal led to the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and the evacuation of thousands of Americans and Afghans who had assisted the U.S. military. The images of Afghans falling from planes and chaotic scenes at the Kabul airport were a stark reminder of the administration’s lack of planning and foresight. The withdrawal also raised questions about the Biden administration’s commitment to American values and its ability to protect U.S. interests abroad.

Inflation and Economic Policy:

The Biden administration’s economic policies have also been criticized for contributing to inflation. The administration’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was passed without bipartisan support and has been criticized for being too large and causing inflation. The Consumer Price Index, a measure of inflation, has risen to its highest level in 40 years. The administration’s policies, such as the Build Back Better Act, have also been criticized for being too expensive and adding to the national debt.

Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic:

President Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has also been a subject of criticism. While the administration has made progress in distributing vaccines, the pandemic is far from over. The administration’s response has been marred by mixed messages, supply chain issues, and a lack of transparency. The administration’s decision to lift the mask mandate on public transportation, despite continuing transmission of the virus, has also been criticized.


President Biden’s administration has faced numerous challenges, and some of its policies and decisions have been disappointing. The immigration crisis, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, inflation, and the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic are all significant failures of the Biden administration. The administration must do better to address these issues and regain the trust of the American people. It’s crucial that the Biden administration take a hard look at its policies and work towards finding solutions that benefit all Americans.